Wednesday, 2 November 2011

PPP - Public Private Partnership


      ( This is my FIRST attempt to write something on my own. So PLZ if you find any minor mistakes, cooperate :) ! )

Public Private Partnership (PPP) is a way of project development in which the public and private sectors cooperate and partner with each other to create infrastructure and/or provide services to users.

     Many people today think that the remedy for poor governance is just to hand over the govt activities to the private sector, which will do the job more efficiently than a public sector. But the reality is that the govt has an important role and that they will play their role in the future by collaboration with the private sector. The root causes for poor governance by the public sector are lack of appropriate technical,management and financial resources with the public sector. To overcome these deficiencies the govt has initiated to access to private sector for these resources and thereby ensuring the efficient public service delivery.

Significance of PPP

 Govt is the institution which can make planning and policies. The policies made by the govt have direct impact on public. The govt should closely interact with the private sector and promote the sense of partnership for achieving national goals. The PPP should be seen as a sustainable financing and managing policy to fill the infrastructure gap.

 PPPs helps to attract private capital investment and to increase the efficiency and use of available resources more effectively. Apartfrom attracting private capital, the PPP projects also deliver better outputs due to efficient use of resources, availability of mdern technology, better project implementation and improved operations which are not mostly used in public sector. Thus it can be concluded that PPPs result in improved delivery of public services and promote public sector reforms.

(COMMENTS are welcome)


  1. intresting topic to start with.... with one PPP example wud be better.

  2. @Paresh : World Health Organization (WHO) is financed through the UN system by contributions from member states. In recent years, WHO's work has involved more collaboration with NGOs and the pharmaceutical industry, as well as with foundations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. Some of these collaborations may be considered global public–private partnerships (GPPPs); half of the WHO budget is financed by private foundations.

  3. @Paresh : Good Example for PPP in India is construction of roads by private agencies for the benefit of Public. (U know NICE Road Right?)

  4. informative.....keep posting
